”Everyone is capable of picking and packing strawberries. Even if it's a hard job, all the workers can challenge themselves and set new limits which can be applied to future work too.
Ray Kim
Back in 2009 Ray Kim came to Australia from South Korea on a Working Holiday Visa, to earn some money and travel the country. That experience changed his life, and now he grows strawberries on the same plot of land he once did his farm work on.
Ray has a background in Environmental Engineering and he's currently working on an innovative project to help digitalise and streamline employment paperwork for the farm. When he needs to relax you'll find him on a jet ski or watching a movie with his girlfriend.
Hourly Rate ✔
Piecework ✔
Fair Farms ✖
Working hours vary depending on the size of the team.
We do have a lot of plants so they are longer days
We have some accomodation on site at the farm but we usually recommend share houses in the area like Caboolture or Morayfield.
If you’re in the Caboolture/Morayfield area we can usually help link you up with someone that does have a car so you can share.
We pick and pack strawberries from May to October